Reflections on My Journey - Stepping into Mastery

I am so happy to be collaborating with a teacher and colleague of mine on a new set of workshops called the EMS Series. Our goal is to share some of our knowledge and skills hard-earned over the course of our careers. My path as an energy worker began when we first met in 2005. This first interaction caught my attention and sparked in me a deep desire to help others and serve.

I was deathly ill with a mysterious illness that had me bouncing between doctors, hospitals and emergency rooms, when I found myself on her treatment table as a last resort act of desperation. I had no prior experience with energy work and little to no hope that it would help me. After 10 minutes on her treatment table I was drenched in sweat and asking her to turn down the heat. “This is not a heated table. That is your body’s reaction to the energy” were her words. I walked out of her treatment room feeling better than I had in months and certain that I had found the way to restore my health and vitality. I vowed to dedicate my life to studying, teaching and practicing the work that helped me in the hopes that it would help others. If this work could save my life it could help anyone with anything and was more powerful than I could ever have imagined. 

Over the past 15 years I have diligently studied many different modalities. As I’ve studied and practiced, my own intuitive skills have opened and strengthened, deepening my knowledge and understanding of how energy works. I’ve woven practices throughout my life, finding the most practical, efficient and effective ways that have served me over time. 

Mastery to me means embodying knowledge through experience and making it your own. At this point, I have merged all of the knowledge accumulated over years of study, practice and practical application with my intuitive skill set. I began my journey from a fearful and disempowered place. My absolute dedication to this path stemmed from a desire to take care of myself and to teach others to do the same. My hope is that others feel empowered to care for themselves and make their own way as they navigate the world of energy.  

Click the picture to learn more about the EMS series offering.


Owner of SkyHouse Creative, a boutique design studio specializing in purpose-driven branding solutions that bring your business to new heights.

Creating A Crystal Intention Grid


Energetic Support for Grief