Personalized Sessions
Personalized sessions meet the needs of each individual client. The Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies are assessed and addressed. Energetic anatomy is cleared, balanced and aligned for the greatest benefit of the client. These are the most dynamic and creative sessions, as the practitioner has freedom to use all of the modalities at her disposal to craft a truly unique healing experience. No two sessions are the same.
*This session is recommended for first time clients.
1 Hour - $325 or $275 for new clients with discount code FIRSTSESSION
Karma exists in many forms, from wounds and patterns to imprints…from personal to ancestral. Regardless of form, Karma often presents as a challenging obstacle along our journeys. In this session we will explore the type(s) of Karma presenting and work towards clearing and resolving that Karma. The Akashic Records, which contain your entire soul's history, may be accessed. Information in the records can provide resolution to karmic patterns and lessons we have carried with us from other lifetimes and promote healing. Clearing Karma facilitates soul evolution and alignment.
1 Hour- $325
IET works with the 9 healing Archangels of the energy field to release energy imprints of physical and emotional trauma, limiting beliefs and trauma templates from other lifetimes. The antidote positive vibrations are then imprinted into the field. Sessions align you with your soul’s mission and heart’s desire and will leave you feeling lighter and transformed.
45 minutes - $325
This session is for clients who would prefer to sit or rest comfortably while energy work is being performed. This is a great option for those who are sick or simply wish to rest quietly as they receive the energy. Reiki is universal life force energy that clears energy blockages, restores vitality and fosters a sense of deep peace and relaxation.
45 minutes - $250
Flower essences are vibrational preparations made from medicinal flowering plants, which support emotional balance. These helpful tinctures address anxiety, mood and personality traits, loneliness, grief, despondency or despair, giving away of one’s energy and protection of one’s energy during periods of change and transformation. Flower remedies were originally created by Dr. Edward Bach, a bacteriologist in the 1900’s, who believed that all disease could be eliminated by healing the root cause, which he believed was emotional imbalance. They are safe to use with children. After intake and discussion a recommended customized formula will be emailed to the client.
45 minutes - $250
The Holy Fire Reiki Healing Experience provides high frequency healing energies that are more powerful and effective than those given in a standard Reiki Session. Bring an issue that you would like to work with, a journal, a blanket and pillow. Caitlin will guide participants through gathering the energy that they wish to shift. There will be a 30 minute restful Reiki experience followed by optional sharing with Q & A. Privacy is respected and sharing is not required. This is an effective and economical way to receive regular energy healing for those who are committed to their healing journey, Energy work is cumulative.
Offered on Mondays at 12 noon EST.
60 minutes - $100