Creating A Crystal Intention Grid

I learned about crystal grids in my Reiki Master Training and have been using them ever since to support goals, send positive vibes to friends and family members, and bring ease to difficult situations. They are a beautiful tool that will raise the vibration of your home as well. Here are the steps for creating a crystal intention grid of your own. 

  1. Carve out a designated sacred space in your home. If you haven’t already created an altar of some type now is a great time to start. You can place the grid on the altar alongside other meaningful tokens or keep it simple.

  2. Gather up whatever crystals you may have or your can order some online. I like to shop in person at a local crystal fair that happens a couple of times a year in my area. I have also used Etsy to purchase crystals. The foundation of my grids are typically clear quartz, which is wonderful because you can program it with your intentions and it will hold and amplify them. Over the years I have added rose quartz, aquamarine, smokey quartz, amethyst and tourmaline, to name a few. You can use whatever resonates for you and change things up as you go. The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall is a great resource if you are interested in learning more about the different types of crystals and their properties. 

  3. Place the crystals in a circular formation leaving a space in the center for your intentions. You can make the grid as elaborate or simple as you wish. 

  4. Write your intentions, goals, desires, wishes down and add them to the center of the grid. I use the same wording most of the time: “May this intention be divinely guided, inspired, protected and expedited for the greatest benefit of all.”

  5. Stand over the grid and call in the energy of Love. If you are reiki attuned you can call in Reiki energy. You can also use light, laughter, joy, bliss, sunlight, gratitude, etc. Whatever you feel called to bring in. Intend that this energy will flow freely and consistently until the next time you charge the grid, so there is a steady stream of high vibration energy pouring into the intention even in your absence. 

I encourage you to date your intentions. I have been doing this for years now and I can have many intentions charging in my grid at once. Every once in awhile I will go through my grid and remove the intentions that are no longer needed. I have been blown away by the outcomes I have seen and love reading through past intentions because it reminds me of the things I wanted that I received or the difficult situations that were eased. I have seen miracles!

***To clear your crystals you can spray them with rose water, leave them in a windowsill in the sunlight or moonlight, wash them with water, etc.

I hope this practice helps you as much as it has helped me!


Owner of SkyHouse Creative, a boutique design studio specializing in purpose-driven branding solutions that bring your business to new heights.

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