Tips for High Vibration Travel

As I prepare for my extended trip to Italy this September, I am aware that I prepare in some ways that most people do not. Yes, I am making lists of practical preparations (checking on insurance coverage, international cell phone service, etc.) and physical things I will need (clothing, tools to work remotely and adapters), etc. But I also prepare to best support myself and the trip energetically. This includes keeping things streamlined and simple so the energy flows.

Here are some of the ways I prepare energetically for travel and some of the tools I use to support myself when traveling.

  1. Reiki the Trip - I place myself and the trip into my Reiki grid, which I charge daily and receives Reiki energy 24/7. It is possible to send Reiki into the future to ensure for as much ease and flow as possible. When I do this for friends and family, they always report back empty seats beside them on airplanes, unexpected upgrades, general ease and flow with travel. If you don’t know how to make a Reiki grid you can send Reiki to your trip in advance, Reiki the situation of the trip or just send it positive energy and prayers or blessings if you don’t have Reiki certification.

  2. Homeopathy - Although homeopathy is widely available throughout Europe, I will have a remedy kit with me (and always do) with some essentials. Here are some remedies of the remedies I am planning to bring with me:

    Arnica Montana - For injuries, trauma and also helps with jet lag

    Nux Vomica - For travelers tummy upset

    Arsenicum Album - For food poisoning (or poisoning in general)

    Apis Mellifica - For allergic reactions

    Gelsemium & Bryonia - For cold & flu

    Cocculus Indicus - For motion Sickness

    Here is a link to my all time favorite Guide to Homeopathy

    And a link to a Homeopathy First Aid Travel Kit

  3. Sea Salt and Baking Soda Baggies - Anyone who has had a session or taken a class with me knows I am all about using sea salt and baking soda to keep my energy field clear and balanced. The 50/50 ratio of sea salt and baking soda is an old Edgar Cayce remedy, which is balancing and detoxifying for the energy field. Typically, I use the mixture as a body scrub in the shower or as a bath soak. When traveling, the mixture can be placed into plastic baggies and carried on your person in a pocket or in luggage. The baggies can also be used to clear a hotel bed by rubbing the baggie all over the bed or sleeping with them under your pillow. Although plastic baggies aren’t great for the environment, these baggies can be reused throughout your tip by clearing them in sunny windows before each use.

  4. Pack my Pendulum - I use dowsing in my work, so I will need to have my dowsing rod with me for this trip. However, a pendulum can make a great travel tool for help and guidance with making decisions that are in alignment with your best and highest good.

  5. Flower Essences - Flower essences provide emotional and energetic support. Rather than bring my whole practitioner kit, I will be making a few flower essence blends to bring with me. One to neutralize jet lag and maintain sustained energy, one for homesickness/integration into a new culture, and Rescue Remedy for any unanticipated emergencies.

Here are some ways I am simplifying and streamlining to keep the energy flowing smoothly:

  1. I have purchased a multifunctional Patagonia Bag, which acts as a carryon, backpack, crossbody laptop bag, and duffel. It attaches to my roller luggage, can be used for hikes and will serve as luggage for short trips around Italy and Europe.

  2. I’m bringing a reusable collapsable water bottle with carabiner

  3. Merino wool is the only type of wool that doesn’t bother my skin. I am bringing merino wool clothing and looking for some bras, which regulate body temperature, wick moisture naturally and do not hold onto body odor like other fabrics.

  4. You know how much I love cotton. These Turkish Organic Cotton finds by Teema can be used as a blanket, towel, scarf, wrap, sarong, or yoga mat while traveling…quite the multitasker.

  5. I don’t have one yet, but I will be purchasing the lightest and most compact Kindle. I realize I am late to the party with this…I really love my library card and turning pages…but better late than never!


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