The Goop Connection

The story of my relationship with goop is an incredible example of what is possible when you follow your intuitive guidance, no matter how crazy or how much it scares you…no matter how it is delivered. For those of you who don’t know, my journey with energy healing began in 2005 when energy healing and homeopathy saved my life. I had no prior exposure to either modality, but I had been very intuitive since birth. I decided at that point that I would dedicate my life to studying, practicing, teaching and helping others using the methods that had worked for me and began right away.

Fast forward to early spring of 2018. I had my healing practice of 13 years, the many certifications and hours of practice and self-work I had completed over the years, and a day job in the insurance industry. I had been granted work from home from my employer and flew out to visit my sister in Los Angeles. Feeling drained and frustrated by my day job, I sat down to meditate before bed. I asked for an answer as to how I could leave my day job and do healing work full time. I was determined to sit in meditation until I received an answer but no answer came and I went to bed.

The very next morning, still jet lagged, I woke up before the rest of the house at 4am. In the dark stillness of the morning I began to make my bed. In my ear I heard two simple words clear as a bell. “Contact goop.” Even as I type these words today I get the chills. I stopped what I was doing and immediately my doubting mind tried to interfere. This was before the NYT article and I had heard of goop, but was not very familiar with the brand or their content and had no idea that they were doing anything with healing or energy healers. And I ALMOST dismissed the guidance. It would have been SO EASY to say “That’s crazy” or “That doesn’t make any sense” and go brush my teeth and get on with my day. And that’s the thing about intuition…it comes in all forms and guides you to do things you would never have thought up on your own and usually don’t want to do.

I sat with it for about 3 hours until my sister woke up. “Why would I do that?” slowly evolved into “How would I do that?” By the time my sister woke up I was in the living room with my laptop. My sister majored in marketing, communications and advertising and all I had to do was ask the question “If I wanted to contact goop what would I do?” She matter of factly said “You make a press kit. I can help you” and the Universe provided the way.

Within an hour I had a press kit. I sent it along, stating that it was my personal mission to help as many people with the work I was doing and asking if they would help if they found my work to be beneficial. Within 2 hours I had a response email from goop inviting me into their offices that week. This all transpired on a SUNDAY!!

Now I had to request time off of work and rent a car. My journey into the office was not easy for me. I was nervous, nauseaus and sweating, trying to navigate Los Angeles rush hour traffic through unfamiliar winding canyons. I almost turned around and emailed them that I wouldn’t make it. I had to pull over and use the methods I teach to pull myself together and gather the courage to physically step outside of my comfort zone.

I showed up. I stepped into my power. I followed the guidance I received and they vetted me. The rest is history. I was asked to do a couple of offerings at the goop lab in Brentwood, CA, the In Goop Health NYC Summit and a couple of Q & A articles for the company. My work was featured as the goopiest gift in the Mother’s Day Gift Guide at the height of covid when people were looking for distant healers…and I was able to leave my day job and transition to healing work full time. It has not been easy but things have a way of falling into place and evolving into more than we could have ever thought to have asked for when we follow our guidance and let go of our doubting mind.

I will say there is a magic about the company and the people at goop. They are some of the kindest, most genuine people I have ever met. They owe me nothing but they have time and time again generously promoted my work and supported my business. This has allowed me to help many more people that I would have reached on my own. I am so grateful to the company and all of the people I have met through this connection. I’m also aware that none of this would have come to be if I had chosen to dismiss those two words I heard when I was making the bed. I hope this story encourages you follow your intuition, however crazy it may seem, and see where it takes you.

With love,



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