Finding Freedom

I once met a woman who told me I have a gypsy star mark in my energy field and that it was important for me to know my lineage. I am 1/2 Irish on my mother’s side and 1/2 Sicilian on my father’s. Both of these islands have a history of gypsy culture. I’m not sure where the mark came from but I feel its influence pulling at me through through my DNA and I’m not the only one.

When we were kids, my sister and I spent more time at open houses in our pajamas than we could count. We knew that ‘going for a ride’ almost always meant we would be touring at least one home. We knew the real estate brokers by name, what a poker face was and that we could expect cookies. I had lived in 7 homes by the time I got my license. As an act of rebellion at the age of 16, I decided I wanted to have a say and know where I would be living for the next two years. I asked my parents to let me board at my high school and they agreed.

Fast forward to college. From day 1 my focus was on satisfying the requirements to study abroad in Italy. I transferred from one college to another half way through my Sophomore year, spent a semester in Florence and travelled around Europe. I then moved to Boston after graduating, spent time living and working in Palm Springs & Florida, relocated to Los Angeles and eventually found my way back in Massachusetts.

I have always become restless when I stay somewhere for too long. The irony is that I am actually a homebody. I like to be home with my comforts. I love nesting, decorating and making a beautiful space wherever I land. I can make anyplace a home.

As I write this, I have not flown since just before Covid lockdowns when my family flew together from Florida to Boston. I have been in MA ever since, with the exception of a few vacations within driving distance to Maine. It has been awhile and I am feeling antsy. I miss the sense of freedom that comes with travel. At this time I have no children, no boyfriend or husband and my work is all virtual. I am free.

I have planned a trip to visit family in Italy in early September. My flight is booked and I can’t wait. I have an Italian passport and I can work from anywhere. I have not planned beyond the first two weeks but I am excited to play it by ear and let things unfold organically. I will flow wherever the Universe takes me until I feel the pull to come home. That may be after 2 week or 2 months but I am giving myself up to 6 months to experience this adventure. My hope is that you will want to follow along, share your favorite spots wherever I am and maybe even find me for an in person session, class or cup of tea…or espresso. More to come!




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