5 Tips to Support Vibrational Wellness

  1. Make Your Bed - I start my day by making my bed every single morning. It clears the space, creates order and helps me feel like I am ready to start my day.

  2. Send love or Reiki to the intentions and goals you have for your day and that you are currently working towards in your life. My goals are written on post-its and I place crystals on and around them to amplify my intentions and the positive Energy I send to support them.

  3. Move your body. Do not do what you think you “should” do. Listen to what feels right for your body on any given day and move in ways that you love. That may be a run one day and a gently yoga sequence or walk the next. I love barre, pilates, walking, spin, running, golf, dance and pickle ball. I have a subscription to Peleton for Leanne Hainsby’s spin classes and a subscription to Barre Body online because I love Becs pilates and barre classes. Once I find a method or instructor I like I am more likely to stick with my workouts. Good music helps!

  4. Consecrate your day. I try to always invite help and Divine guidance at the start of my day. Because we have free will, the Divine cannot intervene unless we ask. This can look like 2 minutes of asking for help and Divine intervention or a half hour meditation. I always make sure to ask for help with the things I don’t know that I need help with. This practice has brought miracles into my life. Check out my Morning Consecration blog post here.

  5. Consciously clear your space. Here are some methods I use:

  • Rose Water Spray

  • A bowl full of salt water that I place by my workspace and change daily

  • Using an essential oil diffuser and adding Crab Apple and Walnut Bach flower remedies to clear and strengthen the boundaries of my space.

  • Light a candle

  • Smudge with Sage and/or Palo Santo

  • Play 432 Hz and other healing music throughout my space

  • Use a water filter, an air filter and air out the space regularly by opening the windows (even in the cold weather)


Finding Freedom


Honoring Lori