Can Ouiji and Ghosts Make You Sick?

This time of year the veil is thin. For those of us who are energetically sensitive (or intuitive) visits from those who have passed may be more frequent and obvious. What many people don’t realize it’s just as important to have a healthy boundary with those who have left their bodies as it is with those who are incarnate.

My first experience communicating with a loved one who had passed was at the age of 6. I was haunted by a great aunt of mine who would chase me through my home in a recurring dream. A babysitter had allowed me to watch Night of the Living Dead, which terrified me and influenced the way this aunt was presenting in my dreams…it was a very “Sixth Sense” vibe. This great aunt never managed to catch me. If she had, I know now that she would have relayed a message to me, one that came through when I got a bit older. As her message came to light, a family secret was revealed and her soul found peace.

This recurring dream was the first of many dreams where people who had passed, and were known to me, would come to me with messages for their loved ones. Eventually, I had the profound realization that these interactions were REAL. These were not just dreams. It wasn’t until I started delivering these messages that I realized their impact on others and that I was making actual contact with the spirits of those who had passed. I also learned many years later that these dreams and visits often left me feeling drained and tired or even sick.

Once I learned to recognize that spirits were latching onto me energetically, typically while I was vulnerable in a sleep state, I began creating rules for interaction that lead to healthier boundaries and energy hygiene. From that point on, my health improved. I wasn’t falling sick as frequently and I had more energy for myself. I had also learned a valuable lesson about energetic boundaries and health.

Luckily for me, most of my dream interactions were with people who I knew, or was related to, who had passed. Over the years of studying and practicing energy work with others I have heard stories of uninvited spirits or discordant energy (energy that is inorganic to an individual) attaching to people and making them sick. This has raised my awareness and helped me to be more discerning and thoughtful about what energy I choose to interact with and how in interact with disembodied energy.

Ouiji boards are one of the ways that I have seen clients be seriously impacted in a negative way by disembodied energies. What may seem like a harmless game can in fact act as an energetic portal and open invitation to disembodied energies who do not have one’s best interest in mind. I have seen clients who became sick a result of interactions like this and their strong belief that nothing could be done to release the energy. I came to the conclusion that if the positive interactions I was having were real then so the negative interactions, and both the positive and negative interactions hat the potential to make me sick. I advise all of my friends and family to refrain from using Ouija boards.

My awareness at this point has brought me to a place where I discount nothing. When friends describe a dream they had of a loved one who passed I always encourage them to consider that it was an actual visit with that person. And when clients reach out and say “I don’t feel like myself” I immediately begin asking about any visits from loved ones who have passed and recent deaths of family or friends. I am well equipped to help release disembodied souls who once lived. For higher level discordant energies I make referrals to practitioners who specialize in discordant energy release.

As we move into the Halloween season, I look forward to visits from loved ones, the energy of fall and the excitement of being out after dark all dressed up and collecting candy with my 8 year old nephew. I hope this post brings your awareness to the power of energetic boundaries and empowers you to create or revisit your own.

Happy Halloween!


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