Back to School Flower Remedy

September is always a time of transition, not just for those who are on a school calendar. The transition out of our summer routines and schedule and into cooler weather is an adjustment for children and adults alike. I have always been incredibly sensitive and I remember the excitement and anxiety I always felt as back to school approached. I loved getting new school supplies and clothes and struggled with having a structured schedule, homework and early wake up times. Now that I am older and I am immersed in this world of energy healing and natural remedies, I will often think back to my childhood and identify what I could have done to support myself as a sensitive child. I also think of parents who are sending their children off to school, sometimes away to college, and recognize what a huge shift this can be in family dynamic.

Walnut Flower Remedy is a very gentle vibrational remedy that supports ease in times of transition and change. Offering protection from outside influence, this remedy helps maintain a sense of stability and constancy as we shift from one season into the next. This remedy can also be helpful for moves, changes in relationship status, or family dynamics and starting at a new school or job. If you or your child or loved one are going through a transition or challenge you may want to consider giving Walnut Flower Remedy a try. Just as the hard shell of a walnut protects its contents from the outside world, this remedy provides a stable constancy and buffer from the outside world.

Flower remedies were created in the early 1900’s by Dr. Edward Bach, who was a medical doctor bacteriologist as well as a homeopath. He was most interested in learning about his patients as individuals and believed that all illness stems from emotional imbalance. He observed that all of his patients who tended toward anger had imbalance of the same bacteria in their gut, which he confirmed with lab test results. The same was true of his patients with his patients who tended toward anxiety and so on. Dr. Bach concluded that if emotional imbalance can be healed then physical illness would be eliminated. He left his medical practice and created a system of flower remedies by imprinting the healing properties of flowers onto water using sunlight. He then removed the flowers from the water and preserved the imprinted water with brandy. His remedies are created by diluting this imprinted water until it is subtle enough to be considered a vibrational remedy. Bach’s remedies have been used since the early 1900’s to support emotional balance.

3 ways to take a flower remedy:

  • Add 4 drops to your water bottle at the start of the day and sip thoughout the day.

  • Place 4 drops on the tongue as needed

  • Administer topically by placing drops on the skin

Take until the ease of transition has been achieved, or until you no longer feel you need it! The effect of the remedy is cumulative and it will right the imbalance so the remedy is no longer needed.

Walnut flower remedy can be ordered online or found at Whole Foods and many local health food stores.

Click here to learn more!


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