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Spiritual Teams - Collaboration with Cindy Mattingly

Class is virtual via Zoom

Cost: $150

Class times are EST

We all look for guidance. We ask our friends and family to help us with what to do in this or that situation. We have another solution for you. Ask your Spiritual Team!

Your Spiritual Team and the spiritual beings that make up your team are always with you and around you. They have the clarity you are searching for. You just need to ask your team a clear question and listen.

In this class we are going to show you how to identify the members of your team. Your team is unique to you and the steps we give you will guide you to recognize the connection you have with each member.

The steps we will to cover:

Identification – Verification – Agreement – Meeting

Spiritual team members  can be identified by these seven categories:

  1. Ancestors

  2. Angels

  3. Ascended Masters

  4. Star Beings

  5. Elemental Spirits

  6. Animal Spirits

  7. Deity Beings

In this class we will share a dowsing sheet that will help take the thinking out of selecting your team members. During the class, you will dowse to select the seven members of your team. This will be followed by an activity where another person doubles checks your selections.

Next, we will verify that you have the right guides for your path and purpose. One way to tell the difference between a true spiritual guide and one that is not is the guidance that is delivered. For example, a true guide will always honor your free will. We will provide a chart that you can reference to give you confidence when a new guide shows up.

As you complete the Spiritual Team identification and verification process, you will be ready to make an agreement with your team. We are including a recommended agreement that you can sign and present at your team meeting.

Finally, the activity everyone is waiting for is the meditation and meeting around the table with your guides. This will begin your relationship with your team.

Come meet your team with clarity and confidence!


We have fifty years of combined experience helping others to reach their potential. Our desire is to share our knowledge and give you the tools you need to grow at the rate you desire. We have designed our workshops to help you raise your vibration by increasing your conscious energetic awareness. All you must do is listen, ask questions and practice the techniques. We are offering workshops through which we will share our knowledge to help you to step into your life’s path with greater ease.

Caitlin Marino is an intuitive energy practitioner with over 15 years of experience and 1500 hours of certification in multiple energy healing modalities. Caitlin was first introduced to energy work in 2005 when it saved her life. She has worked closely with Gwyneth Paltrow’s company Goop as a presenter at the In Goop Health Welless Summit in New York City and her work has been featured in several Goop articles. She is committed to raising awareness about the profound impact energy work can have on one’s health. She is passionate about helping others integrate healing techniques into their everyday lives in practical ways. Through her practice, Caitlin offers customized distant sessions and classes to clients all over the world and dedicates her work to the benefit of all with pure intention.

Cindy Mattingly – I love to empower others. This is where real change, healing and transformation begin. Teaching is the foundation of my life’s work. My goal is first to help you to understand how you can change your path, and then to help you to learn how to create opportunities to do so. When I see this happen… WhoooHooo!!!!. As you experience success, your confidence grows around your own ability to create the life you have always felt was possible.

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